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Supplier Profile

Rowson's Plumbing Service Pty Ltd

Address: Unit 1/36 Fleming Avenue, CANNINGTON, WA 6107, Australia
CANNINGTON Western Australia 6107, Australia

Phone: (08)9258 ....


Rowson's Plumbing Services is a proudly Western Australian owned and operated company that specialises in commercial and industrial plumbing services in the Perth CBD and metropolitan areas.
Established in 1998, Neil Rowson?s vision was to build a highly professional team of tradespeople with a focus on customer service. Our commitment to customer service standards is expected from our team including management, trades, administration, and support. Every client is expected to be treated with the utmost respect and the highest standard of workmanship at all times.

Office Locations

Rowson's Plumbing Service Pty Ltd
Unit 1/36 Fleming Avenue, CANNINGTON, WA 6107, Australia
CANNINGTON, Western Australia, 6107, Australia

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