Industry Advocacy

Speaking Up on Behalf of Members and the Industry

We actively lobby the WA Government for the regulatory changes we want and fight equally hard against laws and regulations that will disadvantage our members. We join forces with other associations around Australia to fight national campaigns.

In Western Australia, we are represented on the Plumbers Licensing Board. Nationally, we are represented on the Australian Building Codes Board and Standards Australia technical committees.

We also maintain a strong media presence to bring important matters to the attention of the public.

Championing the Interests of Our Industry

At The Master Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of Western Australia, our commitment to advocacy is central to our mission. We strive to represent the interests and voices of plumbing and gasfitting professionals across WA, ensuring their needs and concerns are addressed at the highest levels. Our advocacy efforts are focused on creating a positive impact, shaping industry standards, and fostering a supportive regulatory environment.

Our Advocacy Pillars

Regulatory Influence and Reform: We engage with policymakers and regulatory bodies to advocate for regulations that enhance the plumbing and gasfitting industry's standards, safety, and professionalism. Our goal is to ensure that legislation reflects the evolving needs of our members and the communities they serve.

Industry Standards and Safety: We champion the development and enforcement of high industry standards that ensure the safety and well-being of both our members and the general public. Our efforts include promoting best practices, supporting ongoing education, and pushing for the adoption of innovative technologies.

Economic and Environmental Sustainability: Recognising the importance of sustainability in our industry, we advocate for policies and practices that support economic growth while protecting the environment. This includes promoting water conservation, energy efficiency, and the use of eco-friendly materials and methods.

Support for Small Businesses: Understanding that many of our members operate small businesses, we advocate for policies that support business growth, fair competition, and economic resilience. This includes opposing unnecessary regulatory burdens and supporting measures that improve business conditions.

Workforce Development and Training: We advocate for robust training and apprenticeship programs that ensure a skilled and competent workforce, ready to meet the challenges of the future. This includes efforts to make training more accessible, to support career development, and to recognise the qualifications of tradespeople across jurisdictions.

Get Involved

Policy Development: Members are encouraged to participate in shaping our advocacy agenda. Your insights and experiences are invaluable in developing policies that reflect the real needs of our industry.

Campaigns and Initiatives: Join us in our various campaigns and initiatives designed to advance our industry's interests. Whether it's participating in consultations, contributing to position papers, or engaging with government stakeholders, your involvement is crucial.

Stay Informed: Keep abreast of our advocacy efforts and outcomes through our communications channels. We are committed to keeping you informed and engaged every step of the way.

At The Master Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of WA, advocacy is more than just representation, it's about creating a future where our industry thrives through innovation, safety, and sustainability. Join us in this mission to elevate the plumbing and gasfitting profession across Western Australia.