Membership FAQs

Where is The Master Plumbers & Gasfitters Association of WA located?

Visit our contact us page for complete information on where to find us and how to get in touch.

When was The Master Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of Western Australia created?

The Perth & Districts Master Plumbers’ Association was created in August 1901. After several name changes, we adopted the current name of Master Plumbers & Gasfitters of Western Australia in 2001.

Who can become a member of The Master Plumbers & Gasfitters Association of Western Australia?

Anybody working in the plumbing industry in WA is most likely eligible for membership including licensed plumbers, business owners, or employers with some connection to the plumbing industry.

The Association is made up of the following classes of Membership:

How much does it cost to become a member?

See application form for the different types of membership.

Who is the Executive Committee?

The Executive Committee consists of:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Immediate Past President
  • Maximum of 10 Committee Members
  • CEO of The Master Plumbers & Gasfitters Association of Western Australia (non-voting member)

All committee members must be full members of the Association.

Prior to 31 December of each year, elections for the following year’s committee are held.

Do you want to check whether someone is a member?

You can verify the credentials of members by using our online directory, which lists current members only.