WA Training Awards 2023 applications are open until 28 April

Training and education

The Department of Training and Workforce Development conducts the annual WA Training Awards for excellence in vocational education and training. They are open to students, apprentices and trainees, individual trainers and organisations including employers and training providers.

This year's Awards have eight individual categories and five organisation categories. Applications close at 5:00 pm on Friday 28 April.

Every category winner will benefit from well-deserved recognition and prestige. Individual winners will also receive $3,000 towards their training or career, and organisations will be given marketing materials to publicise their success.

Individual categories

  • WA Apprentice of the Year
  • WA School-based Apprentice of the Year
  • WA Trainee of the Year
  • WA Vocational Student of the Year
  • WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year
  • WA Cultural Diversity Training Award
  • WA International Student of the Year
  • WA Trainer of the Year

Organisation categories

  • WA Large Employer of the Year
  • WA Small Employer of the Year
  • WA Industry Collaboration Award
  • WA Small Training Provider of the Year
  • WA Large Training Provider of the Year

Awards information and social media

Everything you need to know such as key dates, how to enter, and frequently asked questions is on the Awards website

Follow the Awards on Facebook, instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube or their blog.