Brian Rushton honoured with Life Membership

Association news

Our Awards for Excellence event on 26 November was a fitting occasion to award Life Membership to a distinguished retired member.

In front of all the members, industry partners and guests who had gathered to celebrate excellence in the plumbing industry, we formally recognised Brian Rushton with the highest honour this Association can bestow.

Life Membership is awarded only to individuals who, because of their years of service and the leadership they have shown, have made an outstanding contribution to the plumbing industry and the Association. The process for creating a Life Member requires the Executive Committee to review a nomination before it is officially submitted to them at an Annual General Meeting.

Brian's nomination was tabled at the 2021 Annual General meeting and the Executive Committee voted unanimously in favour of accepting it.

Brian was a member of the Association for 34 years and President in 1989. During his years a member, his commitment to the Association and to the industry was remarkable. In particular, he is notable for his tireless work to advance the industry in the areas of training and professional practice. His enthusiasm, dedication and energy were responsible for lasting and beneficial changes to the plumbing industry in WA.

Brian's name will be inscribed on our Life Members honour board.