Automatic Mutual Recognition is coming to WA

Laws, regulations & standards

Interstate plumbers who want to work in WA will soon have less red tape to deal with.

The Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme, also known as JobPass, was developed through an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Australian Government and the state and territory governments.

The scheme makes relocation across borders easier for workers in occupations that require licensing or registration. If someone is licensed or registered to perform activities in their home state, they can do the same types of work in another state or territory without having to apply for recognition and pay for a second licence.

Where AMR is currently in effect

AMR is currently in effect in every state and territory except Queensland and WA.

When AMR will start in WA

The WA Government says we will join the scheme by 1 July 2022. The WA Parliament passed the Mutual Recognition Amendment Bill 2021, which enables WA to participate, on 24 March 2022.

Key points

  • Interstate licensees will not receive a WA licence
  • AMR will allow the individual to undertake the same activities in WA that they are licensed to do in their home state
  • There will be no application or registration fee
  • Most interstate licensees will be required to notify the local registration authority of their intention to work in WA (for example, plumbers will need to notify the Plumbers Licensing Board)
  • Interstate licensees working under AMR will be required to meet statutory and compliance obligations, such as having insurance and lodging e-notices for work done

Arrangements prior to AMR commencement

Until the AMR scheme commences in Western Australia, people can still apply to work here under existing mutual recognition arrangements.

For more information

The WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety has information about AMR and existing mutual recognition arrangements.

The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has this national overview of AMR including links to what's happening in all states and territories.